Human Design: Manifestor - I am an initiator

Astrology: Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising – I live this out as a deeply intuitive person who can dream big things while standing grounded in organization, support and action.

Enneagram: 4 – I have a rich inner life, the act of taking action is my growth edge

Sparketype: Advisor/Sage – It was only after taking this free online test and learning more about it that I was clearly able to see how this was an important piece I was missing. I finally found the validation and courage to ask for what I wanted from my job at the time and that action laid the foundation for becoming a nurse educator, a childbirth educator and now a life coach.

Hello, I’m so glad you made your way here. Let me introduce myself and why I think coaching with me will feel supportive, nourishing and valuable to you. I am a registered nurse, licensed massage therapist, writer, reader, wife and mother. I am a life-long student of health, wellness, and my spiritual connection to my body, the Earth and to Life Force.

I was raised in a Christian household with a father who is an ordained pastor and now a professional counselor. My mother is a retired registered nurse. These early influences shaped some of who I am and catapulted me into a broader viewpoint on the source of Life Force and Purpose. My nursing career is based in Women’s health, pregnancy, labor and delivery, parenting and child development. I have cared for women across the continuum from pregnancy to end of life. I spent seven years visiting young mothers in their homes not only providing health and wellness education, but more importantly supporting them in their life dreams and ambitions, cheerleading them when they hit milestones and validating their experiences when they were navigating hardship.

I have been with women experiencing poverty, abuse, homelessness, medical and systemic racism, illness, caregiving, fear, loss and just normal life change. I have been a childbirth educator which encompasses healthy and high-risk pregnancy, all the many ways to birth and nurture a baby, the emotional rollercoaster that comes with this major life change, the relationship strains, postpartum care and newborn care.

From my experience as a licensed massage therapist, I have been trained in the ways our bodies communicate with us as they are our closest companions and offer so much wisdom to us.

Through my own experience of pregnancy, miscarriage, mothering, recovery from Lyme Disease and managing an auto-immune disorder, I have learned how to communicate with my body to meet it’s needs, thereby easing my symptoms, discomfort and dis-ease.

It brings me so much bubbly excitement to share everything with you!