The magic of who you are provides the magic you see and feel in your life.
The Magic of who YOU are, provides the Magic you see and feel in your life. Read that again. Say it to yourself, out loud, except say ‘the Magic of who I AM provides the Magic I see and feel in MY life.’ What this means is that who you are, who you came to this planet to be, your education, experience, skills, and your natural inclinations and talents, the whispers from your Soul, are exactly what brings the most enjoyment, the most fulfillment possible to your life. The more you live in alignment with your truest self, the more Magic (or luck, or fortune, or satisfaction or joy, you choose the word) you will see unfold in your life. Sounds easy but how do we actually do that? We are marinating in such deep conditioning right from the womb, that it can be super hard to figure out what our purpose is, what alignment looks like. It can be a lot of trial and error, a lot of “finding ourselves” and making mistakes and all that is fine. It leads to resiliency (a word I actually have come to hate) and experience, and we usually figure out what we DON’T like first. I think of this as “Life in Hard Mode.”
I’m really sick of Hard Mode. Actually sick. Well, not now, but for a long time. For 36 years, I managed Chronic Lyme and Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpa). I’m still managing recovery from the nr-axSpa, but I believe I will see remission as I have done so with Chronic Lyme.
The websites, podcasts, books, resources I have listed below in Favorite Things are a collection of tools I’ve picked up over the past 36 years. All of them have one thing in common, they have led me back to the core of who I am. For the record, I think living closer and closer to the core of who you are is a life-long exploration, not an end destination. My point is, the closer I get to my core self, the more I set boundaries, freely express my full range of emotions (even the ugly ones), follow my intuition, and listen to the messages my body is giving me every moment (your body is also giving you messages every moment), the stronger, healthier, less painful and more peaceful I feel.
Are you tired of living in Hard Mode? Do you want some support in locating the Magic of who you are? Do you want to hear the messages of guidance and care your body is communicating to you all the time? If you want to connect deeper to your intuition (even if you think you are not intuitive, you are), then please consider joining me for a coaching package. It’s so life-affirming to uncover your real self.